Saturday, October 23

Turn off Bluetooth by default in Linux

Many people noticed that bluetooth is switched on by default laptop on a laptop running Ubuntu. One method on internet is to stop bluetooth module from loading, but that method prevents from using bluetooth when needed. This can also be used on other Debian based Linux distros with bluetooth enabled by default.

Lets see how to configure it.

Open the Terminal (Applications -> Accesories -> Terminal)

At the prompt, type

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

add following line before the last line exit 0 (highlighted in the screenshot).

rfkill block bluetooth

rckill turn off bluetooth by default in Linux ubuntu


This is how it works:

Scripts  in file /etc/rc.local are executed at the end of all the multi-user boot levels.


rfkill block bluetooth

turns off bluetooth after the OS starts it.

rfkill provides a generic interface to disabling any radio transmitter in the system.


This helps in reducing the power consumption of a computer  and also protects us from wireless radtion.

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